
exception kiel.exc.KielError[source]

Bases: exceptions.Exception

Base exception for all Kiel-specific errors.

exception kiel.exc.NoBrokersError[source]

Bases: kiel.exc.KielError

Error raised when a Cluster has no available connections.

exception kiel.exc.NoOffsetsError[source]

Bases: kiel.exc.KielError

Error raised when requests fetching offsets fail fatally.

exception kiel.exc.BrokerConnectionError(host, port, broker_id=None)[source]

Bases: kiel.exc.KielError

This error is raised when a single broker Connection goes bad.

exception kiel.exc.UnhandledResponseError(api)[source]

Bases: kiel.exc.KielError

Error raised when a client recieves a response but has no handler method.

Any client that sends a request for an api is expected to define a corresponding handle_<api>_response method.