
kiel.constants.GZIP = 1

Compression flag value denoting gzip was used

kiel.constants.SNAPPY = 2

Compression flag value denoting snappy was used

kiel.constants.SUPPORTED_COMPRESSION = (None, 1, 2)

This set denotes the compression schemes currently supported by Kiel

kiel.constants.API_VERSION = 0

The “api version” value sent over the wire. Currently always 0

kiel.constants.API_KEYS = {'offset_commit': 8, 'describe_groups': 15, 'group_coordinator': 10, 'produce': 0, 'list_groups': 16, 'join_group': 11, 'offset': 2, 'offset_fetch': 9, 'leave_group': 13, 'heartbeat': 12, 'metadata': 3, 'fetch': 1, 'sync_group': 14}

Mapping of response api codes and their names

kiel.constants.CONSUMER_REPLICA_ID = -1

All consumers use replica id -1, other values are meant to be used by Kafka itself.

kiel.constants.ERROR_CODES = {0: 'no_error', 1: 'offset_out_of_range', 2: 'invalid_message', 3: 'unknown_topic_or_partition', 4: 'invalid_message_size', 5: 'leader_not_available', 6: 'not_partition_leader', 7: 'request_timed_out', 8: 'broker_not_available', 9: 'replica_not_available', 10: 'message_size_too_large', 11: 'stale_controller_epoch', 12: 'offset_metadata_too_large', 14: 'offsets_load_in_progress', 15: 'coordinator_not_available', 16: 'not_coordinator', 17: 'invalid_topic', 18: 'record_list_too_large', 19: 'not_enough_replicas', 20: 'not_enough_replicas_after_append', 21: 'invalid_required_acks', 22: 'illegal_generation', 23: 'inconsistent_group_protocol', 24: 'invalid_group_id', 25: 'unknown_member_id', 26: 'invalid_session_timeout', 27: 'rebalance_in_progress', 28: 'invalid_commit_offset_size', 29: 'topic_authorization_failed', 30: 'group_authorization_failed', 31: 'cluster_authorization_failed', -1: 'unknown'}

A mapping of known error codes to their string values

kiel.constants.RETRIABLE_CODES = set(['not_enough_replicas_after_append', 'leader_not_available', 'not_coordinator', 'not_enough_replicas', 'request_timed_out', 'offsets_load_in_progress', 'invalid_message', 'unknown_topic_or_partition', 'not_partition_leader', 'coordinator_not_available'])

Set of error codes marked “retryable” by the Kafka docs.